Pet-Onc is a veterinary consulting business, here to lend a helping hand to your referring veterinarian through telemedicine. We offer oncology advice and information to help veterinarians and pet owners navigate their pet’s cancer diagnosis and make informed decisions about the next best steps.

How It Works

1. Request a Consultation

The family veterinarian fills out a consultation form. This includes information about a pet’s pertinent history, lab work, images, and more, giving us a detailed picture of a pet’s condition.

2. Specialist Review

Our team is alerted that there is a case awaiting consultation. One of our Pet-Onc specialists will review the information in the form and prepare a report.

3. Consultation

We will contact the referring veterinarian to share our detailed reports. This can be done via email, video calls (Zoom or other platforms by request), or by phone for urgent or complicated cases by arranged appointment.

Purple paw prints of increasing size heading towards the top left.

Our Services

There are no subscription fees and all maintenance costs and IT support are carried by our company. The practice is billed monthly with an itemized account of the cases submitted that month.


Initial Consultation


Follow-Up Consultation


Client Information Sheets

Tumour Information


Treatment Protocol


Chemotherapy Information
